277 words
The Art of Gaming Concepts – Topologies of Art, Platforms and Archeologies of the Future(s)
“Ontologies of the present demand archeologies of the future, not forecasts of the past”1
“[I]n order for thought to make a difference in the world, it must first make a difference in itself - and this is where abstraction finds its true vocation.”2
“[…] the question of the energy (and energeia) that fire (which is also light) contains […] constitutes the matrix of the thought of life and of information, and does so as the play of entropy and negentropy.”3
1 Fredric Jameson, “A Singular Modernity: Essay on the Ontology of the Present” (London: Verso, 2002), p.215.
2 Reza Negarestani, “Torture Concrete: Jean-Luc Moulène and the Protocol of Abstraction” (New York: Sequence Press, 2014), p.28.
3 Bernard Stiegler, “The Neganthropocene”, edited, translated, and with an introduction by Daniel Ross (London: Open Humanities Press, 2018), p.40.
︎ @remxbj ︎ formaxioms.com ︎ remixstudio.org
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